Collaborate to innovate

Quiet, Camera, Action! or Youth Film Code Selection 2023
Project Coordinator
‘Quiet, Camera, Action! Or Youth Film Code’ will conduct activities for teenagers aged 14-19, proposing a new form of film education combining film screenings and thematic workshops with classic learning programmes, helping the students understand the different film languages and means of expression.
Through these workshops, participants will learn to analyse and interpret films, understand the various professions involved in filmmaking, and explore selected titles from European cinema.
The project will additionally feature video podcasts with dedicated interviews conducted by a film critic. It will also provide an opportunity for participants to collaborate on their own productions. Reports and analyses of the project's activities, including film and photographic documentation, will be published on social media.
As a result, extensive analytical and workshop material developed during the project will be made available in English on the dedicated platform as well as on social media by all the partner cinemas. Therefore, any cinema in Europe interested in the results of the activities will be able to use the deliverables and test new methods of working with a young audience.
