Collaborate to innovate

Kino bez barier - edycja polska/ Cinema without Barriers - Polish Edition Selection 2023
Project Coordinator
The project is a replication of an initiative called 'Cinema without Barriers', aimed at promoting entertainment programs for individuals with physical or sensory disabilities. Specifically, this inclusive project aims to facilitate access to films for this type of audience.
To achieve this goal, partner cinemas organize the creation of audio descriptions, subtitles for the hearing impaired, and Polish sign language translations for a wide selection of European films. Beside, regular repertoire screenings will be accessible to people with motor and sensory disabilities (auditory and visual) in three major Polish cities.
Employees of partner cinemas will attend workshops to be trained in organizing accessible film screenings.
Finally, the leader cinema will host the industry event 'Conference without Barriers'. Using the experiences and conclusions collected during the first months of the project as topics for the Conference, partners will assemble representatives of the movie industry (distributors, producers, cinema operators, festival organizers), along with members of the academic world, education, people involved in culture, researchers, as well as organizations working to make culture accessible and representing audiences with disabilities.
