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The Europa Cinemas Association

The Association "Europa Cinemas" (Act of 1 July 1901) was created on February 12, 1991 in Paris. Its registered office is set at 54, rue Beaubourg, 75003 Paris. As defined in its statutes, its purpose is to encourage the promotion, distribution and screening of films or audiovisual productions from European countries or countries which are partners with Europe and, more generally, to implement any initiatives which shall enable them to be more widely shown in cinemas.

One of the Association’s objectives shall be to bring companies operating in this sector together and their collaboration through concerted initiatives or international networks.


Join the Europa Cinemas Association

Conditions of membership:

Any film professional may become a member of the Association, including individuals and legal entities such as: exhibitors, distributors, producers, exporters, screenwriters, directors, technicians, representatives of film-promotion organisations, of professional associations, of federations, of unions, of consortiums, of film markets, of festivals, of foundations, of national or international institutions and all other persons who ask to be involved in the Association’s work. Should it see fit, the Association may accept non-European nationality members. 


Admission applications shall be sent by letter to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, at least one month prior to its meeting. After examination, the Board of Directors decides to either accept or refuse this admission. The applicant is informed of the decision in writing. Membership takes effect on the date when the written agreement is sent by the Board of Directors to the applicant.

Contact: info@europa-cinemas.org / Europa Cinemas, 54 rue Beaubourg, F-75003 Paris


Europa Cinemas General Assembly - May 2024


Mathias Holtz – President

Claude-Eric Poiroux – Honorary President


Administrators :

Pedro Borges - Cinema Ideal - Midas II Cinemas - Portugal

Christian Bräuer - Yorck-Kino GmbH - Germany

Maeve Cooke - Access >Cinema - Ireland

Frédéric Cornet - Cinémas Galeries - Belgium

Metka Daris – Vice-President – Kinodvor - Slovenia

Mustafa El Mesaoudi - Lichtblick Cinema GmbH - Germany

Maria Magdaléna Gierat - Secretary - Kino Pod Baranami - Poland

Frank Groot - Kino Rotterdam Cinema - The Netherlands

Mathias Holtz - President - Folkets Hus och Parker - Sweden

Elise Jalladeau – Olympion - Greece

Javier Pachon – CineCiutat - Spain

Madeleine Probst – Watershed - United Kingdom

Nico Simon – Advisor - Europa Cinemas - Luxembourg

Benoît Thimister - Les Grignoux – Belgium


Members :

Marijana Bosnjak - Kinematografi Osijek D.D. - Croatia

Henk Camping - Media and Culture Consultant - The Netherlands

Valerio Giuseppe Carocci - Piccolo America - Italy

Lionello Cerri – Anteo - Italy

Russel Collins - Art House Convergence - USA

Kirsten Dalgaard - Admiral Film - Denmark

Luz Delgado - Cines Van Dyck - Spain

François Duplat - Berlin Cinéma Paris Munich/ Nef Film prod - Germany

Tudor Giurgiu – TIFF - Romania

Enrique Gonzales Macho - Alta Films / Cines Renoir - Spain

Jean-Marie Hermand - Les Grignoux - Belgium

Aurora Hernandez - Union Ciné Ciudad - Spain

Stephan Hutter – Prokino - Germany

Ken Legargeant - La Compagnie - France

Nanni Moretti - Sacher Films SVI - Italy

Wiktoria Pelzer - StadtkinoFilmverleih und Kinobetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. - Austria

Claude-Eric Poiroux – Les 400 Coups - France

Mirsad Purivatra – Kino Meeting Point - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirona Radu -  Romania

Pascal Rogard - SACD - Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques - France

Abderrahmane Sissako – Duofilms - Mauritania

Iris Sretenovic – Montenegro

Mira Staleva - Art Fest LTD - Bulgaria


Board of Directors - Steering Committee


For more information:

Statutes in French (pdf) - Statutes translated into English (pdf)


