Fatima Djoumer takes over as CEO of Europa Cinemas - New Steering Committee
May 23 2023: Europa Cinemas today announces major changes to its management with founder Claude-Eric Poiroux stepping down from his role as General Director after 30 years.

Poiroux has been awarded the title of Honorary President, recognising his contribution to the creation and development of the network, which now includes more than 3,000 screens in 744 cities.
He will be succeeded by current COO Fatima Djoumer, who has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. “The whole network will always owe a debt of gratitude to Claude-Eric whose vision has allowed us to build such an extensive and diverse network. EUROPA CINEMAS core belief is that cinemas are essential to the future of film. Our network is constantly finding innovative ways to enhance its role in the film ecosystem and to building audiences. EUROPA CINEMAS has a highly active membership that is committed to diversity, inclusion and innovation and we will continue to focus on turning their passion into practical action. We are proud of the development of the network and of our great partnership with the European Commission MEDIA programme.”
Claude-Eric Poiroux said, “With the creation of this network and its development thanks to the ongoing financial support of Creative Europe MEDIA since the early beginnings we have strengthened exhibitors in their programming choices towards European films and in their dynamic and innovative strategies to build and renew audiences. This network is more than ever essential for the growth and visibility of European film.”
Additionally, a new Steering Committee has been elected:
Nico Simon (Luxembourg) remains President for a further year.
Metka Dariš (Slovenia) and Mathias Holtz (Sweden) take over as Vice-Presidents.
Benoît Thimister (Belgium) was elected Treasurer.
And Maria-Magdalena Gierat (Poland) was elected Secretary.
Benoît Thimister, Metka Dariš, Nico Simon, Maria-Magdalena Gierat, Mathias Holtz
Press Enquiries: Charles McDonald - charles@charlesmcdonald.co.uk - +44 7785 246 377