2022 applications
Europa Cinemas Network
The application period for Europa Cinemas is open from July 1st to September 15th 2022. It concerns any cinema, in a member country of the MEDIA / Creative Europe program, that meets the objectives set by the Europa Cinemas guidelines.

The deadline to receive the applications is 15th September 2022.
Applications will be examined by the Europa Cinemas Validation Committee in October 2022. Accepted cinemas will join the Network retroactively, as of January 1st 2022.
Please note that the current situation of national film markets will be taken into account when reviewing applications.
For further information, please contact your country's representative in the Europa Cinemas team and consult the guidelines.
Application procedure:
1/ Please confirm your wish to apply to Europa Cinemas by sending an email (to info@europa-cinemas.org or to your country representative) including the following information:
- Name and address of the applying cinema(s)
- Number of screen(s) per applying cinema(s) and number of seats per screen
- Name, Address, Telephone (with country code and city code) and Email of the Exhibition Company
- First name, Surname, Address and E-mail of the legal representative of the Company (Signatory)
- First name, Surname, E-mail and Position of the contact person
You will then receive your LOGIN and PASSWORD and have access to the Member Zone.
Your application must be made ONLINE in the MEMBER ZONE (accessible from the home page of the website).
2 / Submit your application online in the Member Zone. You must refer to the instructions available on the Member Zone homepage.
- Fill in all the information concerning your cinema and your exhibition company
- Fill in the programming report for the first 6 months of 2022 (or download it via an Excel sheet).
- Validate your application.
We remain at your disposal for any questions or additional information.