Collaborate to innovate

ZEF - Film Highway to Europe | More collaboration, more innovation Selection 2022
Poland, Germany
Project Coordinator
Kino achteinhalb, Saarbrücken - OKF Iluzja, Czestochowa - Kino Kadr, Dąbrowa Górnicza - Kino 60 krzeseł, Gorzow Wielkopolski - Klub Sztuki Filmowej Mikro & Mikroffala, Krakow - Sokol, Nowy Sacz - Kino Rialto, Poznan
ZEF, which stands for Zespol Edukatorow Filmowych (Team of Film Educators), is composed of experts, including cinema directors, teachers, pedagogues and film experts.
This project has been designed to support the creation of quality educational programmes for young audiences. Films awarded by a team of experts at three international festivals held in Poland are screened in cinemas under the "ZEF" label. The films are then integrated into an annual image literacy programme.
After its pilot year, ZEF has significantly expanded its goals and is now expanding the scope of its activities not only by working with new cinemas but by organizing festivals, creating new events in partner cinemas, and collaborating with foreign festival organizers who have experience in creating sections for young audiences.